Write text in an image with Python
In this small article I will show how you can get an image with text (right on the next image) from a template one (left).
I wanted to implement this in my site englishstuff.online, where I would generate these kind of images from Quiz questions collected from the site database and afterwards I would be able to post them on social media. However, I decided not to because the images looked ugly, but I learned how to do it.
Firstly, we need to install the packages pilmoji and pillow for allowing to manipute images.
python -m pip install pillow pilmoji
Aferwards, create a Python script like the one below.
In the script we write line by line after offsets in both directions (height and width). On of those offsets, the height_offset
gets updated since the "cursor" needs to be located in the next "image line".
Meanwhile the script needs to make sure to wrap some text if a text line if larger that the expected. That is why we have the function get_wrapped_text
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from pilmoji import Pilmoji
TEXT = """π What do you think is the right answer?
I've been revising all day long and I'm pretty confident I know the subject _____ out.
π‘ Options:
- within
- in
- inside
TEXT_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)
def get_wrapped_text(text: str, font: ImageFont.ImageFont, line_length: int):
lines = [""]
for word in text.split(" "):
line = f"{lines[-1]} {word}".strip()
if font.getlength(line) <= line_length:
lines[-1] = line
return "\n".join(lines)
if __name__ == "__main__":
font_object = ImageFont.truetype("OpenSansEmoji.ttf", FONT_SIZE)
imgObject = Image.open("template.jpeg")
width, height = imgObject.size
height_offset = height * 0.2
width_offset = width * 0.2
for line_text in TEXT.split("\n"):
wrapped_line_text = get_wrapped_text(
line_text, font_object, line_length=width - 2 * width_offset
number_of_produced_lines = len(wrapped_line_text.split("\n"))
breakline_size = 0
# add additional line if the line text is empty
if line_text == "":
breakline_size = FONT_SIZE
# draw on image
drawing_object = ImageDraw.Draw(imgObject)
(width_offset, height_offset),
height_offset += FONT_SIZE * number_of_produced_lines + breakline_size
if height_offset > height:
print("You may not like the output image.")
With everything wrote and set up, just run the script python script.py
and an image output.jpeg will be generated.
If you want to test this out with the example provided, download the following files needed: